Saturday, January 1, 2011

Easy Pasta Recipes - The Perfect Healthy Option for People in a Hurry!

Let's start with the basics. After a long day at work or rushing around looking after your family, probably the last thing you want to do is spend hours and hours preparing and cooking a meal. At the same time, you don't really want to feed yourself and your family with quick and tasteless microwave dinners or fatty takeaways that just don't give you the nutrients you need. Well, at least not everyday!

So, how to solve this apparent dilemma? Well, how about giving yourself the satisfaction of eating something genuinely tasty that you cooked up from scratch in less than half an hour?

Let's move on to basic point number two - everybody likes pasta. OK, so maybe a few people don't much care for it, or are allergic to wheat, but to the nearest approximation the phrase 'everybody likes pasta' is pretty much bang on the money.

Pasta is so versatile! It comes in more shapes and sizes than can be comfortably written in an article of this length, can be served with all manner of meat, fish and vegetables, goes well with hundreds of sauces and can even be served as a salad. Better still, you can make your own fresh pasta in less than ten minutes, if you really want to.

With a few simple vegetables and a selection of common herbs and spices, plenty of garlic and olive oil, and meat or fish of your choice (or not, if you like vegetarian food) you can whip up a whole range of really easy pasta recipes in hardly anytime at all, and find enough variety to serve a different exciting meal for yourself or your family.

Of course, nobody wants to eat pasta everyday (although this author is such a lover of pasta that some weeks he comes close) but pasta dishes are so simple and versatile that you can easily have pasta three days a week and never eat the same quick and easy pasta recipe in the same month.

Even if you think you're a terrible cook, with easy pasta recipes you'll discover that just a few simple ingredients can be delicious, and only a minimum of culinary skill is required.

So next time you come home feeling tired and hungry, don't just pull a microwave dinner out of the freezer or reach for the takeaway pizza company's leaflet, chop a few veg and boil yourself up some delicious pasta, and eat a satisfying meal without the hassle of really 'cooking' at all.

At Easy Pasta Recipes you'll find a selection of deliciously easy pasta recipes, perfect for when you want a healthy and tasty meal in no time. Visit Easy Pasta Recipes for more information.

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